What can our Life Group do to grow spiritually? 

  • What area do we want to grow spiritually in, in the coming year?  

  • Is there a book of The Bible that we would like to study as a group? 

  • Introduce a Prayer and Praise Journal to build faith by reminding us of God’s faithfulness 

How will our Life Group equip members to grow in their gifts & serve each other?

  • Do we know what each member’s gifts are? If not consider doing the online Spiritual gifts test, or doing some teaching on spiritual gifts 

  • Consider each member’s gifts and assign responsibilities accordingly (teaching; social gatherings; hospitality; communications; administration) 

  • Some groups rotate the facilitation of their group – ie each person (or couple) is assigned the facilitator role for a term.  

  • Is there anyone in our Life Group who is interested in starting a new Life Group? How can we equip and support them? 

How will our Life Group

‘Love our Neighbour’? 

  • Who has God put on your heart to pray for salvation. As a Life Group are we committed to praying for them? 

  • Is there someone connected with our Life Group that we can show practical love to? How can we do this as a group? Who in our Life Group will facilitate this activity? 

  • Is there a Mission's project at church that our Life Group can specifically support? 

  • Is each member of our group ready and equipped to share their testimony when the Holy Spirit prompts? If not, how can we as a group equip and encourage each other in this area? 

If you have any questions about these planning questions, please contact Wendy Robinson on 0409 987 939.