PRayer Course

The difference course

The power of faith in a conflicted world. Difference is a course for you to run that explores following Jesus in a complex and divided world, seeing transformation through every day encounters.The sessions are designed for both large and small, new and existing church-based groups for online or in person.


These 11 teachings on Spiritual Gifts from Sanctus Church (USA) are available on YouTube.

Series Description

“Since we believe with all our hearts that Spiritual gifts are the only ongoing guaranteed place of power to serve from, we need to once again build the common script and understanding among all that make up Sanctus Church (previously C4) in this season.

As we step out together, we all need to discover, rediscover, rededicate and walk in a power that is not our own, to do the impossible in this context we find ourselves. When we start using and growing in our gifts we will experience the joy that comes from honouring God, serving others and knowing part of our purpose in this life, that will ripple into eternity!”


moral revolution

Moral Revolution has been established by a “team of passionate individuals who are called to promote God’s original design for sexuality.” They have developed resources that will help to “initiate and shape conversations about morality and sexuality.”


This is the first ever multi-season series about the life of Christ. Why not consider watching this series with your Life Group? It provides plenty of material for discussion about Jesus!