Look up - lean in - reach out

As Jesus lived his life, he lived it from three aspects; looking up at his father, leaning in to his close friends and followers, and reaching out to a broken and lost world. We see this as a great example of the best way for us to be more like Him. These three components of discipleship are taught by Christ in Matthew 22:37, as he commands us to love God (UP) and love each other (IN and OUT). To help you on your journey, we have planned these three components, as our strategy for you to move towards Christ, and to bring hope to the world around you.



Looking Up to God keeps our eyes focused on His perspective, keeps us in faith, and keeps God in a place of honour in our lives.


One of the ways to look up is to make Sunday Services a regular commitment, making God a priority in your week. We believe that Sunday Services are the best setting to look to God together and experience the strength of our church family. Service times are 8am, 10am, and 5pm on Sundays. If you can’t make these we encourage you to join our online service anytime, with live chat at 10am or catch up on YouTube.


Making time with God is a way for you to take time to regularly look up. This could involve regularly reading the Bible, listening to the Holy Spirit and responding. It may look different for everyone and could include: worship music, a walk in nature with God, journaling thoughts and prayers, devotional books, Bible commentaries or a Bible reading plan (e.g. Bible in a Year). If you need help working out how to do this, fill out our Next Step inquiry form and someone will get in contact with you.


We can lean into discipleship by choosing to belong to our church family and as we take responsibility to grow.


We find belonging as we connect on Sundays feeling the strength of being all together, or in groups throughout the week. The church has groups, and ministries you can join. Click here to find out more

Belonging also comes as we lean into contributing to making church happen. We encourage everyone to join a team and find somewhere to serve.


Choosing to grow is another aspect of leaning in.

There are so many ways we can grow emotionally and spiritually, and we encourage you to commit to that journey. Here are some of the things we offer at Macquarie to help you:

  • Bible classes, courses, and accredited training.

  • Water Baptism in our services

  • Holy Spirit Baptism after some of our services

  • Counselling provided by trained counsellors

  • Prayer available after each morning service

Reach Out

We can reach out by intentionally creating space in our lives to build relationships with the people in our world. At Macquarie we aim to encourage and equip you to care for others and share the hope of Jesus.

We also invite you to join us locally in our community engagement activities, community programs, and kindness projects.

Globally, we take a team to India each year to minister in the Haynes Children’s Home and related churches. Additional missions trip opportunities may arise throughout the year.

What steps can you take to be more intentional about incorporating each COMPONENT into your life?